Performing Indeterminacy: An International Conference

Friday 30 June – Sunday 2 July 2017
School of Music, University of Leeds
Bringing together nearly 100 international delegates, the conference addressed the performance of indeterminate and experimental musics as its central theme, and was intended as a forum for the exchange of perspectives from scholars, performers, composers, and a wider audience.
The programme included:
Invited contributions from Catherine Laws (Pianist / University of York), Benjamin Piekut (Cornell University), and Christian Wolff (Composer / Dartmouth College).
A roundtable discussion, ‘Performing Cage’s art works’, with Sam Belinfante (University of Leeds), Laura Kuhn (John Cage Trust), and Jeremy Millar (Royal College of Art).
A special Performance Studies Network sponsored Q&A session with Amanda Bayley (Bath Spa University) and members of Apartment House.
Installations, papers, lecture-recitals, and performances, addressing themes including:

- Critical approaches
- David Tudor and the Solo for Piano
- Extending indeterminacy
- Games and play
- Openness
- Politics/democracy
- Praxis
- (Re)examining indeterminacy
- Socialities
- Technology/mediation
The conference programme (including abstracts) is available here.
The conference will result in a collection of essays, Performing Indeterminacy: Experimental Music in Practice, co-edited by Martin Iddon, Emily Payne, and Philip Thomas. The proposal is currently under review with a publisher.